Do's and Don'ts

Protect It and Inspect It:


  • Protect your septic system by having the septic tank cleaned on a regular basis. it is our experience that a 2 year septic tank cleaning is necessary and good planning.

Don’t Overload the Commode:


  • Flush non-degradable products or chemicals, such as BABY WIPES, ADULT WIPES, and/or cleaning wipes, feminine hygiene products, condoms, dental floss, diapers, cigarette butts, cat litter, paper towels, pharmaceuticals


  • Dispose of these items in the trash can!

Think at the Sink:


  • Pour cooking grease or oil down the sink or toilet.
  • Rinse coffee grounds into the sink.
  • Pour household chemicals down the sink or flush them.


  • Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal.
  • Properly dispose of coffee grounds & food.
  • Put grease in a container to harden before discarding in the trash

Shield Your Field:


  • Park or drive on your drainfield. The weight can damage the drain lines.
  • Plant trees or shrubs too close to your drainfield, roots can grow into your system and clog it.


  • Consult a septic service professional to advise you of the proper distance for planting trees and shrubs, depending on your septic tank location

Don’t Strain Your Drain:


  • Concentrate your water use by using your dishwasher, shower, washing machine, and toilet at the same time. All that extra water can really strain your septic system.


  • Stagger the use of water-generating appliances. This can be helpful especially if your system has not been pumped in a long time.
  • Become more water efficient by fixing plumbing leaks and consider installing bathroom and kitchen faucet aerators and water-efficient products.